Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Client Case Study Jeannette Encinias - When I Grow Up

Client Case Study Jeannette Encinias - When I Grow Up Um, do you know that Ive coached hundreds of women since I started offering dream career guidance in 2008? And that these women are freakin rock stars, leaving soul-sucking jobs and traveling the world and launching creative, grown-up businesses and simply doing work that fits their lifestyle goals? Well ya do now and youll hear their stories firsthand in my  Client Case Studies series! Im so thrilled to profile Jeannette Encinias, who is  probably one of the kindest humans on the planet and who  changed the focus of her writing biz as we worked together last summer. Read more about her a-ha moments and her journey below. Why did you decide to work with a creative career coach? I had a lot of questions that I wanted to work through in my business and I needed an outside, professional perspective from someone I trusted and who I knew had lived through the questions themselves. What were you doing work-wise when we started our sessions? My main focus was helping professionals (doctors, entrepreneurs, coaches, etc) write books about their expertise. I enjoyed this and it is still pat of my business but I knew there was something missing, something more I wanted to offer. You helped me hone in on a missing aspect that kept coming up over and over again that once I turned my focus to turned out to bring a ton of joy to my business. What was your biggest takeaway from our work together? Ill quote you directly because when you said this to me in one of our session I wrote it down immediately and have kept it with me ever since. I was talking about fear and you said: Fear is normal, but just keep putting in the time and the experience to gain the trust and the confidence in yourself. I know now that there really is just no substitute for doing the work and being brave enough to experiment, get messy, fail, get up, redirect, succeed, take chances, and put yourself out there over and over and over again. This is all a part of the work. In our creative businesses, there is no one to tell us what to do (which is awesome!) so we must have the courage to get out there and test our ideas in order to know the next step and how we can best serve our clients. The result of doing these things is that I DID gain confidence and trust in myself and the more I took risks and implemented my creative ideas, the stronger and more confident I became. No amount of thinking about a proble m or a process will take the place of actually working through it. Was there anything else you tried to do as a career between the time we stopped our sessions and what you do for work now? If so, how did it inform your current career? Since we stopped our work together I have been totally focused on helping people preserve their personal history. I love, love, love, love, love it! I am still available to help professionals write books but working with you helped me to realize that my passion really is for helping people write about their lives. What would you tell someone now that was in your shoes when we first started working together?  Whats your best tip to allow them to make a grown-up living doing what they love? I would say that love is a powerful currency and motivator and if you love to do something and can offer it in a way that is genuinely helpful to another person, then that love will shine through to your clients and in your offerings. I would also say- dont be afraid to ask for help!!! We all need help, we all need support and we all need community. Whats on the horizon for your  business? My signature offering is helping individuals document the most poignant experiences in their lives and the lessons they have learned so that their personal history can be preserved for many generations. This usually takes the form of a beautiful book complete with a narrative, photographs, and special mementos, but can also be documented through audio or video. Whichever form the personal history takes the intention is always the same: to tell an individuals story and to share their wisdom with their family and friends. Wanna  coach with me one-on-one like Jeannette? We can start working together this August. I promise itll come up closer than you think!

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